
Autisme beïnvloedt hoe iemand de wereld ervaart en communiceert. Bij auticon Nederland helpen we mensen met autisme hun talenten optimaal te benutten in een aangepaste werkomgeving. We bieden persoonlijke begeleiding, creëren een gestructureerde werkomgeving en ondersteunen werkgevers bij het bouwen van een inclusieve werkcultuur. Onze aanpak is erop gericht om de sterke punten van mensen...
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Autism affects how individuals perceive and communicate with the world. At auticon Netherlands, we help people with autism maximize their potential in an adapted work environment. We provide personalized coaching, create a structured workspace, and support employers in fostering an inclusive work culture. Our approach focuses on highlighting the strengths of individuals with autism and...
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The term ‘neurodiversity’ has been showing up more and more often in Google searches since 2019. More and more people are becoming familiar with the concept, and it is gaining traction in discussions about diversity and inclusion. Still, it can be confusing what exactly is covered by neurodiversity, especially when terms like neurodivergent and neurotypical...
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