Support in CSRD

Support in CSRD

More and more organisations are facing the challenge of making their environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact measurable and transparent. auticon Netherlands supports companies in meeting CSRD obligations while helping them realise tangible social impact.

Groep mensen achter een bord met Post-its, brainstormend over ondersteuning van CSRD voor auticon Nederland.

auticon Netherlands: the partner in CSRD

At auticon, a large proportion of IT professionals are neurodivergent employees. Cooperation with auticon offers organisations the opportunity to integrate neurodiversity into IT in a meaningful way. This aligns with a sustainable business strategy and contributes to corporate social responsibility. This partnership not only creates social added value, but also provides opportunities for neurodiverse talents in the IT sector. In this way, organisations can give concrete substance to CSRD objectives while meeting social return obligations.

What does CSRD mean?

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) is a European directive that requires large, listed companies to clearly report their sustainability strategy and objectives. SMEs covered by this directive must include their sustainability reporting in accordance with CSRD guidelines in the annual report. This should explain, among other things, which sustainability goals have been formulated, which strategies are applied, what the results are and how ESG criteria are integrated into daily business operations.

Get in touch

Want to discover how auticon can contribute to your CSRD goals? Then contact us for more information.

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