auticon Australia use AI Computer Vision and driver data to predict track telemetry and enhance high-performance driving in motorsport

Thinking differently is at the core of everything we do at auticon, therefore, innovation really comes standard with every project. Nicknamed Project Lightning, auticon Australia and auticon Labs have been working in partnership with Ben Taylor Racing and the team at Porsche Centre Melbourne Motorsport to develop game changing new technology to assist professional drivers find the ultimate driving line.

The powerhouse behind auticon’s innovation is business unit called ‘auticon Labs’. This innovation hub utilises an entrepreneurial mindset to develop commercial technology solutions. The business harnesses the unique ability of our autistic consultants to think about technology problems.

One such problem is understanding the human side of motorsport. Engineers and mechanics can tune a car to perfection, but the biggest variable in car racing is driver performance. Fear, emotional state of mind and general driver wellbeing as well as visual interpretations of conditions, reading corners and breaking distances are all variables in the driver’s control.

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So, the auticon Australia team set about understanding how data can be used to better inform driver decisions and coaching techniques to elevate driver performance on the race track.

Using a multitude of data points from the car, video data, driver monitoring points and track positioning information auticon is developing the ultimate in driver technology to take motorsport to the next level.

The output of the technology is twofold. The first main output is focused on driver skill it pragmatically helps the driver to understand the precise optimum position, speed and timing required at any point of the racetrack in any condition. This information is provided in using AI Computer Vision technology and is a live visualisation of how the car should be positioned at any point.

The second output is focused on the drivers physical and cognitive health. It assesses the overall health and wellbeing of the driver and provides information in areas in terms of physical health such as oxygen intake, strength and other physical factors. On the cognitive or wellbeing side the data assess anxiety and fear. This is provided through a series of monitors on the driver while on the track. Both physical and cognitive factors require different coaching techniques that will ultimately result in enhanced driver performance.

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The proof of concept of the technology is expected to be delivered in the next couple of months and is being developed by auticon’s autistic IT consultants in auticon Labs across the globe. At present, developers in the auticon’s Finland, Norway and Australian offices have been working on the project. This global approach brings people from different cultural backgrounds together reinforcing the idea that with diversity comes the greatest innovation.

Once the proof of concept is delivered testing will begin with autistic driver Ben Taylor. Ben will test the new tech in his Porsche 911 GT3, on a variety of tracks along with his coaching team providing a vital feedback loop to auticon’s development team as they continue to develop the software that will ultimate enhance high-performance driving.

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